Orbit Baby Lifestyle Photography

Have Baby, Will Travel

"Better travel now, while you still can!"

Expectant parents hear that phrase all too often. One of Orbit Baby's foremost design goals was to provide parents the same sense of mobility and independence they felt before having a child, and our marketing sought to capture the promise of jet-setting travel.

Orbit Baby Infant System (Palo Alto Municipal Airport), 2007

Stroller Travel System G2 (SFO Airport), 2010

Stroller G2 (Stanford University), 2009


Fun and Family

Orbit Baby's modular system and go-anywhere design made it friendly for active, growing families. We wanted our marketing to translate our technical innovations into familiar family experiences, and photography was the best way to do that.

Orbit Baby Stroller G3 in "tow mode" (San Francisco), 2013

Sidekick Stroller Boards (Redwood City, CA), 2010

Stroller G2 (Redwood City, CA) 2011


Safety and Security

Orbit Baby's innovative designs were backed by uncompromising integrity and engineering. Orbit Baby used forged steel and machined aluminum where others used plastic, and pioneered the use of BFR-free (Brominated Flame Retardant) fabrics for carseats. We softened these often-technical messages with warm images.

Orbit Baby Infant Car Seat (San Mateo, CA), 2011

Stroller G2 & Bassinet (Stanford U.) 2010,

Bassinet Cradle, Green Edition (Palo Alto), 2007