Orbit Baby Feature Clips

These films were zero-budget clips produced entirely within the office (with Orbit Baby employees). I storyboarded, produced, shot and edited the videos with our founder and a design intern.

Our OrbitClips video series lightheartedly addressed common concerns about our products: skepticism about the durability (and necessity) of our collapsible Stroller Travel Bag, and the concern that our innovative Cargo Pod is too small compared to the traditional stroller basket. Both were shot with DSLRs and edited in Adobe Premiere. (2011)

The G2 Launch video was a teaser created in a matter of days for an urgent media opportunity. I used stop-motion techniques in the photo studio and had our CEO ad-lib a narrative. The stop motion was quickly assembled from still photos with Adobe Photoshop scripts and the rest of the video was edited in Premiere. (2010)